We had the best trip to Mexico on Friday. When we left it was cold and cloudy at Port A, only 61 degrees. By the time we got to the valley it was 78 and sunny. Got up into the 80s. Ahhhh
We drove down with James and Roma. They go to the same dentist as Paul. They all have bright new smiles. Cheryl and I just came for the shopping. Roma showed me her excellent bargaining technique, plus gave me some hints on judging quality. All good to know.
We drove down with James and Roma. They go to the same dentist as Paul. They all have bright new smiles. Cheryl and I just came for the shopping. Roma showed me her excellent bargaining technique, plus gave me some hints on judging quality. All good to know.
Roma and James are from Fort Worth area. Roma reminds us of our neighbor Brenda. She tells real good jokes and stories.
While the tooth crew was at the dentist office, Cheryl and I had a real good time. We found some little Kate Spade purses in spring colors and fabrics that we just adore. They were all over the place. It was difficult to decide which ones to get. And I found the perfect black Gucci leather purse. And nice big Prada bag for Brenda. Roma loved it so I know that Brenda will too. The Purses are fakes of course. But the quality seems ok. Then I learned that you can only buy two and bring them back. But no one asked so we got 10 purses across.
We ate at a clean little restaurant and I had yummy chicken tacos. We also all met at the Galleria ball room, good music and little old people dancing. As Paul says, the dancer’s kids think that their folks are home taking a nap. In reality, they are out dancing and drinking two for one marguerites.
Crossing back to the US was pretty easy, we do have to show our birth certificates and driver’s licenses now. Got to get that passport.
We found a wonderful vegetable/fruit stand around Kingsville. Roma and Cheryl told us how they get poblano peppers and roast them on the grill. They are the ones that get stuffed with cheese for breakfast, chilies rellenos . They looked good, but I thought they were hot, will get them another time. Tomatoes were fifty cents a pound.
Roma told a real good story about how they started going to Mexico to the dentist. It started with a new dog. James loves this dog. The dog loves to chew. One week he ate 3 new pairs of Rona’s shoes. She just kept buying replacements, she didn’t care, he was paying. Then the dog ate the legs off a new $90 pair of jeans, with the tags still on. They were on the bedroom chair. Then he ate James’s partial, to the tune of $4k. Rona laughed and laughed , it was a real good story. Then during Memorial Day weekend last year, he ate her partial. Rona cried and cried, she didn’t want to be in the parade with no front teeth. She actually glued together the teeth and pieces that she found. So they both got implants in Mexico so it wouldn’t happen again. That is a $10K dog.
Yea, I know, it was better when she told it.
All those purses!
I no longer wonder where my shopping sickness comes from?!?!?!
Hmm, what will you do with all those purses? It is hard to find them in Kansas, perhaps you should ship some to us in middle America.
What else would I do with that many purses?
Ryan thought that was a biker bra. Go mom!
You know, Cheryl and I were in a Harley shop and she bought a black tee shirt. And there weren't any biker bra's! I can get you one at Mill End, Andrea.
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