Thursday, December 31, 2009

Air Travel At Christmas

Taking three different planes from White Plaines, NY to Corpus Christi, TX was an adventure. The security wasn't a problem. On the way north, they took my hair mouse. ??? said it was a liquid. Whatever. They didn't look at anything going home. Paul got a thorough going over with the wand, two metal knees. Honest to Pete, I don't know how that idiot that set himself on fire over Detroit got in the country. Someone must have been bribed in the country of origin.

On the way north we noticed our butt bones were sore from sitting on old, worn out air plane seats. I found some cushions in NY and they made the trip home much more comfortable. Our plane in Chicago was delayed by a faulty gas gauge in the plane. We were late getting into Dallas, which was icy and snowy. They held the plane for us. The last leg, to Corpus, was bumpy with a heavy cloud cover. Very pretty in the sunset from above. Pilot missed the strip on the first attempt but we got down the second time. It was rainy and windy. Our friends, William and Mary Ann were there to pick us up. We went to dinner and then to HEB to get supplies. Home by 10 pm . I have a cold or sinus infection or allergies going now. I forgot how dry it is up north in the winter. My hair hasn't been that straight in years! Or my face to wrinkly.

Oh, air travel at Christmas, I don't recommend it. Both ways we were traveling on some of the worst days of the year. Huge crowds in the airports, wait lists. Bad weather. But sometimes the only way to get home. Can't regret a minute, it was so fun.

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