Campfire pic 1, left to right, my sister Mary, oldest daughter Katie, Mary's son Michael, son in law Ryan holding Charlie the swimmer.

Pic two is Steff's boyfriend Tyson, then Mary's son and girlfriend, Angie and Adam, Tara and Eric, our guests from NYC.
Adam and Angie tubing.

Great Aunt Mary and grand niece Julia the beautiful.

Katie's husband Mark and glam girl Julia.
Here we have Charlie pulling Grandpa Paul around in the tube, Andrea and Julia, and Tara and Celeste in the back ground.

Great Aunt Mary and grand niece Julia the beautiful.

Katie's husband Mark and glam girl Julia.

Tara is a childhood friend of Steff''s, and was a big part of our household. We always had a house full of girls. Lots of fun. She lives in NYC with her husband, Eric, and 12 year old Celeste. We first met Tara when she was around 12, and Celeste looks just like she did. That was an instant shot to the heart! And like Tara, Celeste is open and friendly and funny. She sparkles. She loves the water and is part fish. She is more a kid than Tara was at that age. All for the good. It was a delight to have her here. Also Tara, of course. And Eric is funny and interesting too. He is a husband worthy of Tara. Ha! He's a good sport too.
1 comment:
It was great to see all of you guys! I have so many wonderful memories of hanging out up at the lake and it was great to be there again. I am glad that you guys liked Eric and Celeste had so much fun with everyone especially with Julia and Charlie. I hope to see you guys again soon, perhaps when you are out in NY for Christmas. I'd be happy to give you a great food tour of my favorite places in NYC.
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