Dear Julie,
I have had get Anna a BD card on my list for over a week and it still isn't done. We will call her on her birthday and find one asap and send it. We have been crazy busy. Have a lull in the action coming up as Dad will be at deer camp a lot until we go. I only have to finish doll bedding, pack for the winter and try to remember everything.
Now I am thinking of Emily's BD too. So basically, I need to think of interesting little gifts for all the kids. Not noisy or little pieces or annoying at all. Hummmm.
I was trying a new diabetes med through October, then the insurance company decided not to pay for it. It worked ok. So I finally deciphered the message from the mail order drug co. that something wasn't going to be sent, gave me a prescription # that wasn't in my records. Lawyers must write their emails, it is all a big secret. How do dumb people figure it out? Don't just say, "your cheap ass insurance company won't pay for the new drug, call your doc and ask for a different one." Just allude that something isn't coming, guess what it might be.
Part two, the doc also had me take more of my old drug, so I ran out of it , He had ordered a new script of a larger dosage. They won't fill it until it is time. They did say Nov. 6, on Nov. 6 they changed it to Nov. 16. No one knew that before then? Again I get a secretive phone call with a script # that is secret. I won't get this before we leave for Texas.
So today I have to go a round with the doctor's office and try to explain some of this to the girl, who clearly doesn't care, and beg for a script for a month's supply and pay for it myself. Then I have to perfectly time changing my address with the drug company so pills will arrive in TX and not be lost in Post Office/ Medco limbo for several months. Dumb people don't have a chance.
I exchanged several sarcastic emails about this with various machines at Medco, they apparently don't have the sarcasm chip in their mother board.
Last week I got a new new diabetes drug to replace the lovely expensive Januvia drug, and I appreciate it's kick ass attitude. Sometimes I get to drink orange juice to raise my blood sugar. A treat as I never drink it. I expect to lose some weight with this! And have energy.
So as you can see, I have been busy swearing at inanimate machines and laying awake thinking of revenge instead of buying daring little girls birthday cards.
Last night we had friends for dinner so I could clean the whole house and hide all my projects so as to give the appearance that I am organized and give a shit. Paul helped a lot, vacuumed an acre of carpet, tidied. He was a cleaning trooper. We had a great time, very good friends, dry turkey that wouldn't reach 180 degrees. And the whole point of this paragraph, a wonderful easy recipe I tried. Nut Brown Butter on steamed broccoli. It is a French recipe that translates to Nut Brown Butter. For a pound of broccoli you put 3 Tablespoons of butter in a pan and cook it till it is brown and tasty, pour it over the broccoli. It was incredible, so tasty and easy. I am thinking of other vegetables to try it on.
This email is nearly a blog. I think I need to post it.
Love, Mom