Beverly is all jacked up and cute as a bug's ear, and Roger

Rick and Shirlene dancing on Tulsa Time.

Lisa Joy, from Farwell, and Jackson, Houghton Lake
On Sunday we were real good and went to church in the golf cart. As soon as we got home Roger and Bev came over and said they had heard from Wendy and Mike that there was something going on at Bernie's this afternoon. So we grabbed a sandwich and went down there. Well the Olympics and golf was on TV. It was 1:30 so we just settled in for some diet rum and changed the TVs to the race. Moving right along, Mr and Mrs B came by and joined Miss Carol; Lisa and Jackson showed up; Frank and Denise stopped by for a few beers. Great time visiting and before we knew it the band was setting up. We snagged a front table and enjoyed a few sets of country music.
We left about 7 and went home for warm clothes for the Moonfire on the beach. The Parrot Head "head" always gathers wood and gets things started. It was very windy, but fun. Met some new folks and visited with Javiar, Susan and Carlie.
Monday I shopped in Corpus with Bev and Mary Ann. Academy was a treasure trove of $4.88 shirts. I even got a pink hoodie for that price! Flip flops too. Then Chick Fil A, then Bealls, $ Tree and HEB. Limeade at Sonic, a huge beach shop on Padre Island. Finally home at 4:30. Those gals are marathon shoppers. My feet got tired. Then there was a weinie roast at Mavis's place, then games at Dee and Tom's in town. I played Mexican Train and didn't suck as bad as usual, won 3 games, and was in the middle of the pack. Mostly.
Today I am resting, so far.
Interesting note: Dee and I both bought silver and tourquoise cuff bracelets in Cortez, Colorado, at a pawn shop. Mine in 1996, hers in 1999. It was weird that we even thought of it at the same time. We both had sad feeling about buying them and someone had to sell them.
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