Thursday, December 31, 2009
Katie and Mark's Home
Air Travel At Christmas
On the way north we noticed our butt bones were sore from sitting on old, worn out air plane seats. I found some cushions in NY and they made the trip home much more comfortable. Our plane in Chicago was delayed by a faulty gas gauge in the plane. We were late getting into Dallas, which was icy and snowy. They held the plane for us. The last leg, to Corpus, was bumpy with a heavy cloud cover. Very pretty in the sunset from above. Pilot missed the strip on the first attempt but we got down the second time. It was rainy and windy. Our friends, William and Mary Ann were there to pick us up. We went to dinner and then to HEB to get supplies. Home by 10 pm . I have a cold or sinus infection or allergies going now. I forgot how dry it is up north in the winter. My hair hasn't been that straight in years! Or my face to wrinkly.
Oh, air travel at Christmas, I don't recommend it. Both ways we were traveling on some of the worst days of the year. Huge crowds in the airports, wait lists. Bad weather. But sometimes the only way to get home. Can't regret a minute, it was so fun.
Times Square on Christmas Eve

There is so much I haven't written about in NYC. We had a super time. Yesterday I told Paul how he was a perfect husband on this trip, never complained about all the running and $$ and shopping, he said he had a fabulous time. It was so much fun. Just so. Look at our smiles.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Good eating at the Sen's
Friday, December 25, 2009
New York City on Christmas Eve
We took the 8:45 train at the station closest to Katie and Mark's home. This was at Pougkeepsie, NY. The ride is almost two hours one way. After we got to Grand Central Station we hit the ground running. Did some shopping, went to Times Square, saw the Today Show set and the famous red steps, there are pics. We had lunch at Rosie O'Grady's Pub, shopped some more on our way to see the Rockettes. We had balcony seats for the show. After all the exercise and lunch it would have been easy to fall asleep during the show, and Mark did. But just for a few seconds. The show was beautiful, fast and fun, lots of dancing and singing. Of course. It was so worth the trip to see. A great experience.
After the show we shopped on the way back to the station. Grabbed some snacks for the trip home and headed back to Milton. The day was so fun that the sore feet didn't matter at all. There is so much to see and do in the city.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
New York
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Leaving on a jet plane
Our nice weather is holding. Sunday was beautiful again. Went to church, had happy hour here in the park with our neighbors, and went to Bernie's for the band with Mavis and friends. Monday was sunny and 60s too. The ocean was very calm, a very rare thing. Reminded us of Lake Michigan. Had some nice walks. The only day I didn't take my camera to the beach.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Three in a row
Saturday, December 19, 2009
That lovely, sunny Friday

Friday, December 18, 2009
Looks sunny out
Monday, December 14, 2009
It didn't rain on Monday, we only had fog.
Saturday and Sunday

Cheryl, our favorite waitress at Bernie's

First we went to Whataburger, I had a coupon for a free burger. Then we went to Bernie's for the happy hour prices. They have free food on Saturdays!! Chilie dogs. GASP. We love chilie dogs and they were fat and yummy. We had to hang around 3 hours so I could get hungry and eat one. While we were there Frank and Denise stopped in and we had fun visiting. We missed the Belt Sander races at the Gaff, good friends are more fun. We met several new friends too.
Then we stopped at the Gaff to see Susan and Javiar, and Carlie of course. On the way in we met Ken and Lyn and friends as they were all leaving. More fun. Then we had a good visit with the Munoz clan. Carlie had just bought new tennis shoes, we share a shoe fetish. They are silver with blue trim. I have pics but they won't download, will keep trying.
Sunday was foggy again and cooler, so we didn't run to town for church. We could hear the big waves. About one pm, Ken and Lyn drove up and asked if we wanted to go to Corpus with them. Sure did. We hit a few very crowded stores. Had amazing sandwiches at Jason's Deli, so very good. Mine was a french dip on a crusty french roll. Excellent. Lots of great meat. Everyone was happy with their food. They wanted to go to the PX for groceries, always interesting to visit the Naval base.
Once we got over the bridge to Padre Island it was very foggy. Didn't get home until after five. Missed going to Bernie's for the band, but we were beat. Good to snuggle in for the night.
Today is very foggy too. We could be in Ireland except the lilt in the voices is a bit more twangy.
And there are more palm trees here. Beer is cheaper. Food is better.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Fun With Friends

Thursday we went into Port A with William and Mary Ann to show them where Lug Nuts was and some of our favorite haunts (bars). Started with Bernies, then the Gaff. Lucky us, it was the night of the Pirate Pub Crawl. Adults dress up like pirates and ride around in a pirate ship on a trailer, a parade float actually. Just too fun. R! (short for arrrrgh). Sadly I didn't grab my camera on the way out the door. Next time. Then we followed the pirates to Lovette's Bar. Very smokey with two poker tables going. Two dogs, a big lab and a small wire haired terrier who sat on chairs to watch the card games and napped on the table. Can you imagine that in Michigan? Then on to The Salty Dog, because I love pink grapefruit. Yummy drink. There were three big labs in there, one being the owners. So strange but fun. Then we went to Moby Dick's for food. We found Javiar at the Gaff and Shawn too. Lots of hugs and fun.
On Friday we drove to Corpus with William and Mary Ann. He has a Harley and wanted to check out the store there. It was interesting and full of bikes. Then we ate lunch at Jin's Asian Buffet. It is always voted best in the city and last year was among the top 100 Asian eateries in the USA. The food was excellent and the decor is very nice. Then we shopped at HEB. Yum.
Saturday was sunny and warm enough for a short walk on the beach. Island friends from a few years back, Ken and Lynn had called us for a lunch date at the pizza buffet. So I had until noon to walk. Ran into Carolyn on the way and we had a great walk and talk. The beach was perfect, if a little cool. Low tide, very clean and calm for the ocean. And then the craft show. I had to run in, very nice pics and baskets, Merna's glass jewerly that she makes, in the kiln. And Roma's Scentsy. Then Susan's jewerly. Who could resist the turquoise??? She is pretty artistic.
Ken and Lynn picked us up in their cute little convertible and off we went. Rushed as I was, I forgot to pick up the camera. Drat. We had a great lunch of pizza, salad and soup and lots of catching up. They usually go to the Florida Keys. Then we drove over to the IGA, and Susan and Javiar were in the parking lot! We all had partied together up in Hill Country years go. Hugs and talk. Suddenly we were in the Munoz's truck and off to watch football at their house.
Now this is where I wanted my camera, we went to the Lighted Boat Christmas Parade in the harbor. It was chilly, but pretty. Two of the big tour boats were all decorated and they picked up anyone who wanted a ride, they were supposed to be carolers, and some did sing. After that Santa got off one boat and met all the kids. Then we had the traditional hot tamales and cookies and hot chocolate. I wanted a Whataburger but had to have the traditional South Texas treat. It was ok. It's way better if you don't eat the corn husks. Which someone who shall remain nameless has done in the past. It was fun and different. Island life....
Will snag a parade pic off the net to post.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Drought is Over
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Technical Difficulties
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Christmas in November at the Dunn's

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Emily Lynn
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
GTO - Almost done