We went golfing on Tuesday. Paul met a man who worked at the Padre Isles Country Club recently, at Bernie's of course. He gave us a deal on golfing there. Wendy and Mike, from Iowa, came too. We had a lot of fun and the weather was lovely and sunny. This winter was hard on the course, not much rain at all. I actually saw a sand trap in the middle of a green. But, hey, can't complain when it is 75 degrees and sunny. There was a lot of water on the course, and we lost manly, many balls. The rough was very thick and only God knows what snakes live in it.
On Wednesday we went to Port A and I got a hair cut and Paul got groceries. We went to a wonderful potluck at Dee's house. It was in honor of Emery's 71st birthday. Excellent food, so good to eat homemade potato salad and tuna macaroni salad and baked beans and pork loin and homemade rolls. I did my brownies, and I tried a new flavor, dark chocolate. Paul liked it very much. They are now his favorite ones. We all ate two pans of brownies.
Vergene brought a new game, Center, Left, Right. It was easy and fun. It is just dice and dimes. After she and Buck left we played Mexican Train, which was very fun and I didn't come in last, but it was a close race. Paul did great playing Poker, won for the first time playing with these guys.
Hello, This is Marguerite at the Hair place back home in this COLD God forsaken Burrrrrrrrrrrr place they call Clare...I was cleaning and organizing my office this week and came across your "Beach Bums" business card....so I decided to look you up...Your blog is so Cool. Sounds like you are having a GREAT winter...See you when you get back...:0)....The girls at Mane Street Salon say "hello"...
Great to hear from you. I miss you all. This was our best winter ever down here. Lots of old and new friends and great weather. See you in May.
I am jealous. I wish we could be golfing. Still a little snow on the ground.
Is this the Mark, our son-in-law, that just got back from Orlando?
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