Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sunny skies and low humidity

We have had two perfect days here with sunny skies and low humidity. And No Bugs. Plagued with mosquitoes at home this summer, too much rain. I took a walk in the woods yesterday and picked a pint of wild raspberries and blackberries, and blue colored raspberries. Perfect for pancakes. They have primitive camp sites in the woods with big fire pits and lots of privacy. We can pick cherries too, but that requires more effort including walking up a large hill in the sun. Rex and Nellie always get a bushel of apples in the fall before they leave. This is a beautiful park, and half empty, thanks to the Michigan economy. There is a Beaver motor home get-to-gether this weekend and it will be full.

Nellie says it is always low humidity here. Since it is peninsula and there are lakes all around, it is surprising to me. Paul says that the cold lake water keeps the humidity low. It is so cool at night for sleeping, what a treat. They have found a great place to spend the summers.

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