There was a big article in the Caller-Times today about a woman who just completed her "Big Year" and spotted 723 different species of birds in North America. This should make her number two on the all time ABA list in the approved area. She quit on Dec. 27 because she couldn't think of any other birds she can get to. She put 39,000 miles on her car plus flew all over. She hasn't added up her miles traveled or money spent yet.
We enjoy watching the birds down here. Lots of birds, often people see over 100 different species in a day. This would be obsessive compulsive people. We have vowed to see the Whooping Cranes this year, there are 4 more than last year!!
We enjoy watching the birds down here. Lots of birds, often people see over 100 different species in a day. This would be obsessive compulsive people. We have vowed to see the Whooping Cranes this year, there are 4 more than last year!!
The pic of 4 birds shows the only pair that brought down twin birds this year, note the babies look bigger than the parents.
so you aren't going to try and beat that lady and drive all over in the motor home? That sounds a bit over the top and pricey!
Well, she was flying to Nova Scotia and she heard of birds in Washington state, Idaho and Montana. Flew west, saw one, drove all night to Idaho, missed it, drove to Montans, the swan was gone. That is nuts.
Well, she was flying to Nova Scotia and she heard of birds in Washington state, Idaho and Montana. Flew west, saw one, drove all night to Idaho, missed it, drove to Montans, the swan was gone. That is nuts.
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