Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Southern Beauty Shop - Island Images
When I walked in everyone was very friendly, a little old lady was getting her lovely white hair cut at one station, another was getting a lovely bouffant up-do at the other. No, it wasn't for New Year's Eve, it was her regular do. Very cute. Her operator was the owner, very pretty with big red Texas hair and that slow accent. Her husband was there too, just chatting with everyone. No rush on anything, just regular island time.
Ashley is fairly young and very competent. I told her my color numbers and she mixed a perfect match. No more white roots for me. Paul came in when I was getting washed so he had a long sit while she dried and straightened my hair. Did a great job. No frizzies yet. I tried to get a picture to post but I looked too old and scary.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Travel Tips
2. In Kansas a Ruben Sandwich might have hot peppers on it.
3. In Kansas, a Philly cheese steak sandwich has Philadelphia cream cheese on it. This can also happen in rural Michigan.
4. None of this matters because it is still warmer and more sunny than Michigan.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Playing with the kids

Friday, December 19, 2008
Poker King Paul
Every night there is a poker game in the club house, one table, dealer's choice. I have had only one losing night since we got here. When we sit down everyone puts in $5, so there is $35 in chips on the table. When I cashed in on Wednesday night I had $31 of the $35. The guys said that in 12 years of playing here no one has ever ended up with so many chips at the end of the game. On Thursdays Texas Hold Em game I took second place for $35. So far I am up over $60. So I am glad that we are leaving for Manhattan, Kansas, so I don't hit the losing streak. Now I have jinxed my self by telling you all this.
Bernie's bar in town is starting a Texas hold em game at 2 every day. Also they have games at 7 and 9 pm. There is no buy in for these games, that would be illegal. The bar plays $50 and $35 for first and second place. During happy hour, a icy 16 oz draft beer is $1. So basically, you sit there drinking $1 pints with a chance to win $50 or $35. Not a bad deal. So if I never talk about poker again in my blog, it is because I lost.
The golf cart is working out well for driving to town. We get to the grocery store and happy hour etc. Had an early dinner at the Wild Horse bar on Wed. They have very good hamburgers and real fries for $5. Even grill the buns.
The golf cart trailer is working out very well. It is like a garage, store the compressor and the power washer, pop, water, etc, in it plus it keeps the cart dry and safe every night.
Very helpful for storage when we take off in the motor home for Kansas on Sunday. We can leave behind all the stuff that might freeze. I have to winterize the motor home again to go up there, the weather is so cold.
This blog was dictated by Paul to Marjie as secretary. Hope you like it.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Czech this out!
We got on 77 at Waco and took it all the way to Stinton, just a few miles from Port A. It was a pretty trip. Found a RV park for the night near Rockdale. Made the mistake of going into town for a grocery store. Very scary, very shabby, black gang banger town. Left in a hurry and had peanut butter bread for dinner. Next time we will get to LaGrange or Giddings, they had nice parks. Our park north of Rockdale was nice, just too near Rockdale.
Weather here in Port Aransas is warm, and the beach is nice and clean. All too soon the sea grasses come in and mess it up. This is my clean up inside day, cloudy and windy. Helps my allergies to be in air conditioning, and am feeling much better. Paul is going to go to town in the golf cart for supplies.
Paul played poker at the park last night, he says he is out of practice. We went to happy hour at Rick and Shirlene's drive way even though they aren't there yet. Missed them. Nice to see our neighbors. The park is quite empty. Heard that 45 rigs aren't coming because of the economy and death and sickness. Good year to get a spot here!
Get Your Kicks on Route 66
This pic is of the original Lucille's Diner on Route 66, between Hydro and Weatherford, OK. There is a new Lucille's down the road, they have a new cook and we decided not to risk the food.
Hydro was an interesting little town. The streets are very wide and drivers just park on either side, or in the middle. We just thought that it was odd to see cars parked in the turn lane, then Shirlene explained how that is the way they used to park out west, and some places still do.
We really like Oklahoma, love the cattle and horses in the rolling hills. And lucky us, we got there the day after 65 mph winds swept through. That would have been a bad head wind.
Weatherford is a nice, small college town, Southwestern Oklahoma State University. It was fun to see Rick and Shirlene. Paul was surprised that they lived in town, he always talks about his farm, but that is out of town. He has sold most of his minature long horn cattle, and the last two are at a family farm. Every time Rick went on vacation, they would get out and run away. When he was home he would give them sugar cubes and pet them every day. They just must have missed him and went out looking for him. Hard to tell the scale of size on the pic unless you use the fence in the background, longhorns are quite large. These are petite.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
I Love This Bar and Grill

We had lunch and started with Calf Fries, they were sliced very thin and deep fried, of course. More proof that anything tastes good if it is deep fried and breaded. Then there were nachos, straw onion fries, and sandwiches. Shirlene got the cowboy beans, and loved them.
We got tee shirts too!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
a few good pics

Sunday, November 30, 2008
Fun with the Kansas Kids
Trip to Kansas
It seemed like a good day to drive until we got west of Columbia, MO, and the traffic was awful. We were lucky that no one got in an accident. Figured it must be people going home from Thanksgiving out east. Lots of cars with Colorado plates. On coming traffic was bad also, we were on I 70.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Happy turkey day

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Someone is watching me
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Snowy Evening

We are mostly packed and ready to leave on Wednesday. First we have Thanksgiving in South Bend with Andrea, Ryan, Charlie and Julia. Katie and Mark are driving in from Newburg, NY, area. Steff will drive down from Grand Rapids, MI, if it doesn't snow. She doesn't do snow.
We are leaving there on Friday and driving to Manhattan, Kansas, to see Julie, Sean, Megan, Anna and Patrick. Should arrive Saturday pm. Staying till mid week or so, depends on how cold it is. Then on to Texas, with perhaps a quick stop in OK to visit friends.
I am so ready for some Texas sunshine. November is always very gloomy in Michigan, clouds forming over Lake Michigan. Just too much darkness here.
We love Michigan, it is a very beautiful state. But we aren't real thrilled with winter anymore, too depressing. We love our neighbors and living on the lake, but it freezes over soon, and the neighbors are mostly downstate for the winter. No one to play with.
Soon I will have lots of grand kids pics to post again. Can't wait!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Cowboy Quilt for Charlie

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Winter Wonderland, I wonder why we are still here
Farmer Bob down the road got a deer last night. The Woodys got at least one. A lady on the hill behind us got two. Paul is eating toast in his camo snow pants ready to go out hunting. He hasn't seen a deer yet. Not to worry, he usually gets them later in the season when the Woodys are gone.
I have been quilting the border on Charlie's Cowboy quilt for the last few days, my right arm feels like it will fall off. It looks great so well worth the ouch. It matches my living room very nicely. The red and the blues, not the cowboys and horses. Just have to trim up the edges, make the binding and sew it on. My goal for today.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Opening Day, Bang bang bang.
Our county, Isabella, has the most deer of any county in the state. It is largely agricultural and wood lots. There are 5 or 6 big bucks newly moved in to this area. Bait has been banned in Michigan because a deer on a deer preserve down by Jackson was found with wasting disease. It had been bought out west. Maybe there is less baiting, they are still selling a lot by the roadsides, hard to tell.
We have two apple trees in the clearing behind our garage, there is a nice swale and creek, with fields and woods. Lots of deer. Usually Paul only hunts after the amateurs leave, then he shoots tasty does. Maybe there will be a pic up later.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Sunday, Dark and Early
- After a beautiful sunny week, we are having a rainy, cold and dreary weekend. Fire in the fireplace and soup on the stove weather. Paul and I got so much done outside this week, leaves, flower gardens, packing, he even has the golf cart in the trailer.
On Monday, Diana and I met in Mt. P and shopped and lunched. I made a big start on my Xmas shopping. It was fun, nothing like a girlfriend shopping day. On Friday Shirley and I took a road trip to Canadian Lakes, about an hour drive. She had to go to a cabinet shop. It was a pretty drive with all the lakes and hills and huge houses. We ate lunch at Tullymore Golf Course, between Hamlet and Camelot. Much speculation on the "interesting" names. The restaurant was quite luxe and our sandwiches were good.
Saturday night Al and Joann Roy drove up to the lake, we visited and snacked and drank. They just celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary but we will be gone before their party. So we had our own little celebration. They are fun and we always enjoy going out with them. We drove to Buck's Run Golf Course for dinner, it is near Oil City. We saw lots of deer along the way but they all behaved and stayed off the roads. Ate the spinach dip appetizer, very good, and I had lake perch, everyone else had ribs.
Bathroom pics soon. Shane is moving right along with it. The lights around the mirror are up. He spent a lot of time in the hole this week being technical. I really love the shower. I feel like I am in a Roman Bath.
I just looked out the window and it is snowing, real snow, blowing from the west, not little ice balls. Man. Time to leave the state.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Hate the time change
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
A few pics
We had such a fun weekend with the kids, Julia is talking so much more now, she just is so quiet that sometimes you don't catch them. Andrea's chicken pox don't show in the picture, but she was covered. Her eye hurt a lot, like something was in it, we suspect that a spot inside her eye lid scabbed over. Ouch.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Weekend at Grandpa and Grandma's
Saturday, November 1, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Mid Week Update Whine
I had to cancel my all day Monday shopping trip with my friend, Diana. Too tired and crabby. That hurt. I need some pants that aren't baggy. I need to start Xmas shopping, since most of our holiday will be at Thanksgiving. I need my daughters and sons to hint what they want for gifts. Apparently I have an endless need to whine. My blog, all about me.
Except that George Burt died Friday night. He is the father of our long time friend and neighbor, Virginia Boyle, and handy guy Shane's grandfather. George was one of the lake huggers, he always had a joke and a hug. When you live with the same neighbors for 24 years, you just kind of blend into family. Paul and I went to the funeral home Monday night and the funeral on Tuesday with John and Jean Villa, the senior members of the the lake community. They drove home on Sunday, to the Detroit area, and drove back Monday afternoon just to be there. It was raining, and snowing and blowing, and nothing stopped them. What a way to be 91.5 years old! Just John, Jean is much younger, certainly not a senior Stevenson Laker.
Last week Shane was telling us a story of Grandpa Burt, he was a Marine in WWII, and was in the battle of Anzio in Italy. He built their home from scratch, and it was done perfectly. Now we know where Shane got his patience and talents! Tuesday was George and Betty's sixty-third wedding anniversary.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
New Bathroom is taking shape